The Traffic Light Trial
At our January meeting on the 9th the Parish Council were first advised by Alan Connett that the trial of traffic lights would start on February 12th. We requested a copy of the plans for the scheme and this arrived with us on 17th January. It was immediately apparent that the map was of the year 2000 and 2013 schemes for removal of the SF&CC boundary wall in order that the pinch point outside Alexander Mews could be widened from the existing 4.5metres to 5.5metres which is the absolute minimum for two-way traffic.
We wrote to DCC and pointed out that the map was somewhat out of date and that the illustrated road lines were inaccurate because the removal of the wall had not taken place due to its Listed status and remained at 4.5m. This measurement was clearly shown on the plans for the pavement widening scheme.
We were asked to comment on our concerns which also included use of alternative routes and these were compiled and sent to Alan Connett who forwarded them to DCC Deputy Director of Planning – Highways. They responded to us dismissively saying that only a trial would show whether the scheme was possible, referring to the width as 5.5 metres and ignoring our phrase, IN BOLD that the removal of the SF&CC wall did not take place and the effect this had on the road width shown on the plans.
We had two meetings with Alan Connett, the second at our February Parish Council meeting where the scheme was discussed at length. It was decided that we would make no further comment since no alternative scheme had been submitted to us. Alan stated that the trial would show if the plan was feasible and that he supported it. Council approved that it would not formally comment further at this stage. ( SPC MINUTES )
Councillor Connett has stated on Facebook that he hopes a trial will take place at a future date. The Parish Council position is currently that as no plan has been put forward to suggest that lights are feasible it has no comment to make. A message was received last night 12th February at 19.19hrs from DCC regarding the removal of the lights saying “When the teams tried to set up the equipment on the southern approach, I understand that it quickly became apparent that the trial was going to cause problems for vehicles larger than a car to pass. ……. As retaining the signals had the potential to very quickly cause problems and upset local residents and businesses, in consultation with Cllr. Connett, DCC took a decision to remove the trial with immediate effect”.