The Strand & Courtenay Arms Pillars
Every August the debate surrounding The Strand and the Courtenay Arms pillars is reignited. But actually the subject has been continuously raised with Devon County Council by Starcross Parish Council. In 2016, following a site meeting with DCC, a proposal was put forward by the Parish Council which remains our position. This was in favour of lights, which would be installed at the Courtney Mews building and on the corner of the Charity Shop building. The distance between these lights is less than the distance between the lights in Kenton. There would be motion activated lights at the New Road junction. Full details of this plan have been uploaded to our website for some time.
However, the discovery of the Brunel chambers has delayed progress just at the point where funds for design work had been allocated and DCC have now said that the project has been halted. The Parish Council have another meeting scheduled to discuss this since the chambers only extend a short distance up the car park and we believe there may still be improvements possible. Our attention is focused on the safety of pedestrians with many instances of residents being struck by vehicles on the narrow paths.
If you wish to see more details of the Parish Council site report please follow this link, and then see Starcross Parish Council A379 Proposal of 16 November 2016.