Latest News
Keep up with the latest news and events in Starcross and surrounding areas.
ANNUAL REPORT - Planning Committee
PLANNING COMMITTEE Daryl Pegg (Chair), Andrew Cadbury, Diane Lovell, Justyna Zawadzka. The impact of Covid and recovery has greatly affected planning applications and decisions by
ANNUAL REPORT - Sports Pavilion & Sports Field Committee
SPORTS PAVILION & SPORTS FIELD COMMITTEE Sally Rastall ( Chair) Jim Hopper, Stuart Mcnally, Vicky Williamson The Sports and Pavilion Committee is responsible for the
ANNUAL REPORT - Finance & Governance Committee
FINANCE & GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Jim Hopper (Chair). Liz Chase. Justyna Zawadska, Vicky Williamson. A much more complicated year with inflation and energy costs rising but
Public Participation at Council Meetings
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION at Council Meetings is usually straightforward with few residents attending. On the other hand it can be packed out when a specific matter
A379 Starcross
A379 STARCROSS. The resurfacing of the main road through Starcross was originally scheduled for year 2021-22 but was postponed pending the result of the pavement
Annual Parish Meeting - Tuesday 16th May at 7.00pm - all welcome
Annual Parish Meeting – 16th May at 7.00pm – all welcome
Next Parish Council meeting - Tuesday 16 May at 7.30pm
Next Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 16 May at 7.30pm
The Revised Teignbridge Local Plan
THE REVISED TEIGNBRIDGE LOCAL PLAN The Parish Council notes that only one of the proposed development sites has been approved and carried into the Local
The Parish Defibrillator & Emergency Bleed Kit
THE PARISH DEFIBRILLATOR & EMERGENCY BLEED KIT …… has now been installed outside Boots Pharmacy on The Strand and is active. This replaces the one
The Thursday Morning Cafe
THE THURSDAY MORNING café formerly run by Westbank will, from 2nd March, be run and financed by the Parish Council. Westbank will concentrate on the